A corner of my own.............
Virginia Woolf said that all women should have a room of their own. I don't really have a room... I have corners.
I like cozy corners. Probably because I spent so much time in corners as a child! And I think all corners should have a place to sit. Probably because I spent so much time standing in the corners!
So at the top of the stairs is a small little corner. Doesn't hold too much........ but it does hold a little shelf on the wall. Honey and I re-fashioned this shelf out of two pieces of old fluted pine molding from an old house. A Re-Store store purchase.
It needs a little more work ........ a hand-hooked rug for starters.... and another picture, though
There is the book that all knitters should read ........ No Idle Hands. It is the social history of knitting in America. There is also my first ball of hand-spun......... yea, it will stay there. Yuck!!! How bad can your first ball be???? Well -- mine was pretty durn bad! The next skein I did was good enough to make a clip-on dreadlock ponytail for Honey. It was that bad and that was an improvement!
But it is a corner to wind my yarn and sit and relax for a moment. The little chair was from an aunt -- the seat was an Erica Wilson embroider kit from the 60's! It had a price tag of $2.98 on it!! My college roommate found the kit in her mother's stuff and knew that I would work it up. I love it! With the squirrel and flowers and butterflies ........ its perfect for a flower farmer's corner.
So occasionally, you may find me in my corner of the world -- reading a pattern, darning a pair of hand-knit socks. But I'll be sitting ......... not standing with my nose to the wall!!!
Which lately ....... hasn't been too much.