
I love it!!! The colors are perfect on the barn and in the yard. And what a great eye-popping treat for my customers this spring.

A few more pictures..........
I'll still be doing a few new things on this side. I received a great piece of handmade yard art from my friend, The Pumpkin Man when he traveled through this area. So that needs a place on this side of the barn. And I need a new sign ........... have to tell everyone what this place is all about now, don't we???

I have a lot of gardens to clean. OK -- 2-1/2 are done. Out of about 30. But its going to rain all day tomorrow ......... so I will be painting a couple of more barn quilts. Smaller ones to go along the side of the coop and to brighten a fence. Yea .......... I'm hooked.


girlwithasword said…
it's GORGEOUS!! Well done!
Michelle said…
Yes, bravo!!! (Hear the applause from Oregon?)
Crosswinds Farm said…
OHHHHHhhhhhhhh, I need one of those :).
melanie said…
I'm with Corinne...and I am definitely putting one of them on the new coop...
Dan Mays said…
Hey, Cathy ....

Post a photo of the new trompe l'oeil on your barn.

Miss Effie said…
Dan -- then I will have to come out of the closet and admit for a very brief moment of my life that I was a Republican!! I will never hear the end of it!!

Thanks everyone for the compliments. I am really pleased. I finished "Hens and Chicks" today for the coop and I'm working on "Double Pinwheel" for a fence behind the herb garden. I will take pictures when the rain quits and the mud starts to dry.

And Corinne -- I'm game to help!!!

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