Giving Back!

I just watched the ABC Nightly News and caught this story.

Bob Moore .... founder of Bob's Red Mill grains .... turned down numerous bids for his company. And gave it to his employees. Not an employee buy-out. He gave the entire company to the employees.

THIS man is a class act.

And in the days of immorality, thievery and greed running amuck in corporate America ..... Moore is a breath of fresh air.

I pledge .... regardless of the cost difference .... to buy any of his flours/grains that I possibly can. Anything for a man that does the right thing.

He made the statement that his employees were the company. Yea .... I would really like to get to know him.

Bob Moore, if you are ever on the east coast of Iowa.... I have an invitation for you. Come ... sit... have dinner with us. We will be ever so honored to have you.


Unknown said…
I use a lot of Bob's Red Mill products. His gluten free pancakes are UNBEATABLE!!
Hickchick said…
Great story-I too will go out of my way to buy his products! Thanks for the breath of fresh air
He is so insperational! I will be buying some of his products this weekend, There needs to be more people like Bob!
Michelle said…
Yeah for a local company! My next-door neighbor is their graphic designer. :-)
Lisa Brawner said…
talk about insspiring ! Didnt know there was anyone like him. I occasionally buy his line.. now i will buy it all the time
Hey,Hey,Paula said…
Wow! What a nice breath of fresh air and a toast for human kindness.
BlueGate said…
Always happy to hear that a company I like is also a "good company". BTW, their medium grain cornmeal makes perfect rice-cooker polenta!

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