Discovering myself.........

On a regular basis, someone will come out to the farm and say "You are so lucky.  You are living my dream."

That may or may not be true.

But what I do know ... I am living my dream.

Wasn't always so.  I lived in somewhat secure world of retail for many years.  I say somewhat secure because for 15 plus years.... I worked straight commission.  No salary.  Just a draw I paid back at the end of the month.

But I earned exactly what I was worth that month.  Not a penny more.  Not a penny less.

I was a good salesperson.

But I was miserable.  I was born to be an entrepreneur but I was raised by children of The Depression.  They craved security and wanted that for me.  Security was important. But  I craved independence and creativity.  And for a long time, the fear of failure, the unknown, insecurity........ held me back from taking the first steps.

I was lucky.  I discovered my bliss.

And maybe you can too. 

On Saturday, August 6th, Christine Vivian of Ecouturiere, will teach a class on discovering your passion, your bliss and yourself.  Christine has found her own passion in re-creating fabulous clothing and accessories from vintage materials, recycled clothing and eco-friendly products.

Here is the description.  I so hope you can join us.... please RSVP below or drop me a note on  Facebook.

Recover Your Spark
(Through Mixed-Media Journaling)

Date: August 6, 2011
Time: 10:00AM - 1PM
For: Us grown-up girls only
Skills needed: Only the ability to use a glue stick
Supplies needed: A brown bag lunch for yourself and an old magazine to cut up. Other supplies will be provided in a take-home goodie bag.
Cost: $25 (includes cost of goodie bag supplies)

Maybe you feel out of touch with the spirited young girl you once were, or maybe you yearn for something different in life without knowing what it is you seek. As women (sorry guys, but this is girl time only), we tend to give so much of ourselves that often there's nothing left to give our own self. Then our inner spark dims and seems lost. If we look in the right places, though, we'll discover that the spark is still there. In this class, you will learn to use mixed-media journaling as a tool to help you find that hidden spark and to help you nurture your spark so it can shine brightly once again. Don't worry, no art skills are necessary, just a willingness to play and to laugh. Please come join us in Miss Effie's 

corn-zebo, and we'll help each other shine.

Miss Eff's will furnish lemonade and cold water.  It will be a fabulous day to get in touch with yourself. 

If you are a young mom ... struggling with the balance of home and children ... come join us.

If you are a 30's- something and finding that part of you has disappeared ..... come join us.

Or if you are looking at the retirement .... and trying to find that "second act"... come join us.

Don't let me live your dream.  

Live your own.



Teri said…
I SO wish I could be at this event on Saturday. What a great thing to do for women Cathy. Sounds just wonderful. :)
Ginny said…
wish I was closer, even though I am not looking at retirement yet and I am way over that 30ish age. Hope everyone has fun and don't forget to post how it went.

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