A day in paradise .... Simply Iowa.


Who am I to turn down an invitation to a garden party????

So when Barb from Simply Iowa in Fairfax, issued her invitation .... I told Honey it was time to empty the truck and hit the road!

Friday ... Honey and I took off and stopped and had a fabulous breakfast at my favorite cafe.  After fueling up in anticipation of a  hard morning of antiquing, we were off to Fairfax.

First of all .... I am just putting it out there .... If I ever ever win the lottery, Barb has to come to my house and decorate!  I just love her style.  She has this amazing shop filled with previously loved items ..... and the love shows through!!  Pieces of stained glass in a chipped bowl, well-read books, torn pieces of handmade lace.  I love it all!!!!

We had just pulled up to park .... and right behind us were two of my very very favorite people!!  Tamara and Cynthia came with Tamara's big truck!  At this point ... it is jump, jump, jump! hug, hug, hug! giggle, giggle, giggle!

 Ahhhhhh.......... if I go toooooo crazy, there might be a way to get stuff home!!!  Fortunately, Honey and I can stack the truck like the Beverly Hillbillies and feel no shame!!!!

A truly drool-worthy vignette ... Norwegian style spinning wheel ... a tied crazy quilt and a sponged yellow ware bowl.  Honey had to pull me away.

It was a good thing that I showed some restraint, cuz Tamara filled her truck with these fabulous windows!!!!  And you can't see the wonderful arched topped windows that go with them!!  What a wonderful buy!! Her creativity and vision will put them to good use!!!


It was a great day .....

We had a wonderful time, just cruising through the very green Iowa countryside. 

Cuz after all .... it may not be heaven but it is Iowa.


Sounds like a great day Miss Eff. This year I PROMISED myself I was going to really use and love all the stuff I have collected for years. This is my year for pretty dangit!
Unknown said…
Oooohhhh no you did not go to Barb's without me!! And Tamara there to boot??! Can I sniffle just a little that I missed out?

Ok, but Barb is still open and rarin' to go in April, right???!!!

PS--congrats to poor Honey for holding up!

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