Muddling along ............

The past week has been full of rainy days.

Not gully washers.  But those every day rains that drizzle and drip and almost dry out .... only to drizzle and drip again.

I did get some serious planting done.  And as I plant along .... I get more and more excited for the upcoming season.

Cuz there is some really great new stuff planted here!!!  Really!!!

You may notice a bit of a theme going on here.  I didn't think of it until I started pulling up the photos for this post. 

All of these new blooms will fit in beautifully with my shabby-chic-romantic-country-style garden that I am trying to achieve.  Who knew????  Don't you just love it when a plan comes together?????

So this is a sneaky peak of all the new stuff coming to the garden near me!!  (Note to all ........ none of this is currently in bloom!!  They are babies ... just waiting for their day in the sun!)

And on to the virtual tour............

Numero uno!!

This currently is the badge of a super-cool flower farmer.  If you don't have these .... you aren't cool!

And we all know how very hip and cool I am.  (insert sarcasm font here)


This is cafe au lait dahlias.  

Now -- I have struggled with dahlias in the past.  I have had great dahlias ... and not so cool dahlias.  And a couple of years ago ... every dahlia I ordered looked just alike.  And there suppose to be four different colors.  And I got dark red.

But I am stubborn if nothing else .... so I am back to growing these.

Every bride in the world want these beautiful dahlias for their wedding bouquets.  These should be ready in August .... the tubers had small sprouts on them when I planted them yesterday.

Most likely ..... we will have to use insecticidal soap on these.  The white color of composite flowers seem to be a bug magnet in my garden late season.  Hopefully, we can handle it with just that.

Yea ... they are beautiful and will be worth every extra minute of work!

Number two on the list of new-to-me flowers ....


Yes ... you know how much I love my lizzies!!  This is Arena Gold lisianthus.  It has the coloring of an antique tea rose.  I have high hopes for these.  The plants were incredible.  We have had great growing conditions for them.  

And I moved them to higher ground.  Last year, we received 4" of rain in one day ........ and I lost about 50% of my lizzies.  

So -- like all good flower farmers --- I am incredibly excited for a fresh start this year.

And last for today .........

 Trumpet tangerine snapdragons!!

OK -- I can not get enough snapdragons.  When I started growing flowers ... I grew 200 or so mixed colors rocket snapdragons.  And then I decided I needed to add a row of white snapdragons.  Then I added a row of rose colored snapdragons.  And last year I added lemon yellow snapdragons. 

And now ........... well, we have over 1000 snaps in the cutting garden and borders.  These may be a little trickier.  They are basically a greenhouse/high tunnel variety that they say .... can grow nicely under field conditions. 

We will see.

But if you will cross your fingers for me ... it might help.

I'm busy pulling weeds.  ;)

Tomorrow .... I will show you some other new-to-me- flowers and some flowers that are coming for a return engagement.

If I can get off my knees ..... ;)

As my grandmother would say .... getting old ain't for sissies!
