Good People drink Good Beer....... Hunter S. Thompson

You can't argue with a 60's icon like Hunter S. Thompson!

The 2nd Annual Miss Effie's Octoberfest was last night. What a great party!

First of all, I have to thank all my wonderful friends that made the party such a good time! You guys are incredible! Wonderful food like Sheepie Neighbor's pumpkin sour cream struesel cake; Greenhouse Gwen fried Milford Farm cheese curds (I mean, seriously, what could be better than battered fried cheese curds???) Hellen's homemade sauerkraut and then her wonderful horseradish to put on Geest Family Farms brats. Not counting her home-brew!

We started the evening by my dear friend Buffalo Dan bringing me a bouquet of flowers from his wonderful yard that is filled with native plants. It was perfect -- came with its own hook for hanging on the screen door of the corn-zebo.

The beer table was the popular place. Lots of different beers from all over the world. I swore that there was going to be beer to last Honey and I a lifetime. There are 11 bottles left!! Not counting these two from Dandy Dan. I don't understand why no one drank them???? Might be the fact they have been tumbling around in the back of his truck for the last two years!!!

I think the quote of the evening came from Dandy Dan ........ "I under-estimated the quality of the beer that would be here!" Ya think????

Honey got the fire pit in place and it was a wonderful finish to a great evening.

Thank you again, dear friends. You are the best and we love you all!
And start stashing beer for next year............ cuz we are doing this again!! Cuz as you can see............ a good time was had by all!


Michelle said…
What can I say? I know, healthy people drink good water! hee
jillwaukee said…
Save a spot for me next year! Good beer, good people, fire pit, and brats? Perfect!

Also, your ability to update your blog regularly makes me feel like a total slacker.

Love you guys!
Miss Effie said…
It was sad. Not a single Lakefront beer! Kind of a good thing though .... I didn't break out singing the theme song from "LaVerne and Shirley"!

Did have a Winter Cascade -- it was a violation of the invitation but it was so worth it!!

Call us -- we miss you!
~*Sarah*~ said…
looks like fun. :)

and I just wanted to giggle that sheepy neighbor is photographed...because she loves it so. yay!

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