I've got flowers!!!

Boy, has that been a long time coming! We have had an unbelievable spring. April started with beautiful days...... lots of sunshine ......... great temperatures. And then ............. May arrived.

Now May didn't arrive with frost....... or snow....... or lots of storms. Just very cool comfortable temperatures and lots of rain. The cool comfortable temperatures are nice for us. But my flowers like lots of sunshine and a bit of heat. If I'm sweating, they are happy!

Then June arrived ................ and for the first couple of weeks, the cool temperatures and rain continued. The heat has now arrived and we get this......................Yea ......... wind, lightning, torrential downpour. All because I wanted some warmer temperatures!But look what I get from that warm weather! These lilies are Monte Negro...... the deepest darkest red available. Yummmmmmmmmm.

So the flowers are ready for picking.......... come out and enjoy. The lilies will only last a couple of weeks in the garden and they are blooming faster every day.

Unlike Izzie ........ who doesn't move too fast for anyone. Watch for him when you pull in the lane cuz he doesn't like to be disturbed when he is napping!!!


BlueGate said…
Yay, flowers!! Beautiful!
Farm-Raised said…
Woohoo! See you soon!!!

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