Recycling is for the birds..........

As many of you know -- I feel we have a social responsibility to re-use, reduce and recycle. OK -- I just like junk! You know -- that stuff that everyone else says ....."Why would you want that?" And if the truth be known, sometimes I don't know why I want it. I just do.

Lately, I have fallen in love with glass light shades. My favorites are three-holed molded glass light shades from the 1930's. They were made in pretty pastel colors. They often had clear glass ruffled edges on them. They hung from three small chains from the light -- shading the bare bulbs.
Now -- they hang from copper wire and beads. And they hold bird seed in the garden. I love this pink one!!!!
Another type of glass light shades were the single pole shades. One hole -- they screwed on to a single post in the fixture. This is now drilled on to a porch spindle -- filled with a little silicone. And instantly (!!!) you have a bird bath!!
Pretty and cheap garden accessories. All of these shades came from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore Store in Davenport. And not one was over $10 --- I think the last one was $2.50!!! Buy a bird bath for that!

Hopefully, the birds like the new bathing and eating facilities. I love the whimsical vintage look. My bank balance appreciates the price and I kept 3 adorable pieces of architectural salvage out of our landfills.

Yea .... I think that is pretty tweet!!!


Crosswinds Farm said…
Awesome! You never cease to amaze me with your creativity.
Miss Effie said…
Hey!! I got a lot of it from up the road a bit!! I have this very inspirational neighbor that bakes awesome cookies and has cool sheep!

And is super funny and cool --- regardless what our children may say!!!!
melanie said…
OMG! they are gorgeous...Martha Stewart has nothing on you...
Sherry said…
Thanks for the tip on the restore store. I passed it on to friends. The girls and I can't wait to visit you, the kittens, ducks, and chickens!
Carol said…
Absolutely, beautiful! But what about the teacups in the trees? What do they do?

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