How do I say thank you???
I had planned to take lots of pictures yesterday ...... but we all know what they say about the best laid plans.
OK -- First -- big shout out to my dear friend Gwen!!! I can't begin to say thank you for all the kindness and love you show. You are the best!!! And if you didn't meet Gwen --- she was the gal scooping out the french silk ice cream and the chocolate cake. Cuz I was too busy talking ...... not a surprise!!!!
If you don't usually follow this blog .... here's the scoop. Miss Eff turned 55 today so to celebrate (or mourn) entering Senior Citizen territory -- I decided to have a party. And what is more Miss Effie than an ice cream social? (Ok -- maybe a beer party but I digress!!!)
So we decorated the corn-zebo in typical vintage style .... baked 5 cakes and churned 3 batches of ice cream. I even baked a cherry chip-nut cake which was always one of my favorite. I made a seafoam frosting for it ...... a cooked sugar syrup frosting. It was good but it needed more cherry flavoring in it than what it got from the cherry juice. Gwen and I discussed it and I need to take a trip to Stringtown and pick up some true cherry flavoring.
I baked a Midwest chocolate cake that had sour cream in it...... it was a winner. Particularly with the french silk ice cream ...... the recipe was compliments of my friend Maggie.
We doubled it for our freezer but next time ........... I will make two batches! YUM! And as Maggie suggested ...... we increased the cocoa to 1/2 cup and I did decrease the sugar by an 1/8 cup.... I think I could have decreased it a little more but by that time --- I was too tired to deal with an ice cream that didn't thicken!!
Honey and I adopted two new daughters. Now .... we really didn't need two more daughters. We have two very lovely daughters already. But these gals will not put my sewing machines, spinning wheel and all my Peace Fleece knitting needles on a yard sale!!! So they will be getting the yarn and fleece stash. And they, too, feel like they were born in the wrong century. I like that in a person!!!!
But the big deal about yesterday was the $300+ that we raised for the CCC food pantry and Cafe on Vine. The $300 (final totals will be announced later this week) will be used to buy gift certificates for the Freight House Farmers Market. Then the CCC can use them year-round to buy meats, eggs, cheese and fresh, local produce when needed.
This is such a win-win situation. We not only helped feed the hungry but it will help keep a local farmer in his fields. And that farmer will spend his money ..... locally!
As I have said before ........... its all about helping our neighbors.
So thank you one and all. You made my birthday very very special. I received some wonderfully thoughtful gifts, some beautiful notes that made me cry, and got to hug a lot of very very special friends.
And a note to a very special little boy ... Oliver. Thank you so much for such a pretty picture. I put it on my refrigerator and I will see it today while I am making pickles.
I love you all!
Miss Effie
OK -- First -- big shout out to my dear friend Gwen!!! I can't begin to say thank you for all the kindness and love you show. You are the best!!! And if you didn't meet Gwen --- she was the gal scooping out the french silk ice cream and the chocolate cake. Cuz I was too busy talking ...... not a surprise!!!!
If you don't usually follow this blog .... here's the scoop. Miss Eff turned 55 today so to celebrate (or mourn) entering Senior Citizen territory -- I decided to have a party. And what is more Miss Effie than an ice cream social? (Ok -- maybe a beer party but I digress!!!)
So we decorated the corn-zebo in typical vintage style .... baked 5 cakes and churned 3 batches of ice cream. I even baked a cherry chip-nut cake which was always one of my favorite. I made a seafoam frosting for it ...... a cooked sugar syrup frosting. It was good but it needed more cherry flavoring in it than what it got from the cherry juice. Gwen and I discussed it and I need to take a trip to Stringtown and pick up some true cherry flavoring.
I baked a Midwest chocolate cake that had sour cream in it...... it was a winner. Particularly with the french silk ice cream ...... the recipe was compliments of my friend Maggie.
We doubled it for our freezer but next time ........... I will make two batches! YUM! And as Maggie suggested ...... we increased the cocoa to 1/2 cup and I did decrease the sugar by an 1/8 cup.... I think I could have decreased it a little more but by that time --- I was too tired to deal with an ice cream that didn't thicken!!
Honey and I adopted two new daughters. Now .... we really didn't need two more daughters. We have two very lovely daughters already. But these gals will not put my sewing machines, spinning wheel and all my Peace Fleece knitting needles on a yard sale!!! So they will be getting the yarn and fleece stash. And they, too, feel like they were born in the wrong century. I like that in a person!!!!
But the big deal about yesterday was the $300+ that we raised for the CCC food pantry and Cafe on Vine. The $300 (final totals will be announced later this week) will be used to buy gift certificates for the Freight House Farmers Market. Then the CCC can use them year-round to buy meats, eggs, cheese and fresh, local produce when needed.
This is such a win-win situation. We not only helped feed the hungry but it will help keep a local farmer in his fields. And that farmer will spend his money ..... locally!
As I have said before ........... its all about helping our neighbors.
So thank you one and all. You made my birthday very very special. I received some wonderfully thoughtful gifts, some beautiful notes that made me cry, and got to hug a lot of very very special friends.
And a note to a very special little boy ... Oliver. Thank you so much for such a pretty picture. I put it on my refrigerator and I will see it today while I am making pickles.
I love you all!
Miss Effie