There are three things one should never do in life.
1) Drunk dial an ex-boyfriend at 2 am.
2) Tell your boss exactly what you do think.
3) Blog when you are having a snarky day.
I'm breaking rule number 3!
I am having a snarky day. Yea ... I know. It's not really a word but it sure does describes my mood. SNARKY!
I feel like I can't please anyone. Including myself. I want to weep and growl and reach out and bite someone!
Case in point .... a woman calls and wants to use the corn-zebo for an evening event. Great!! When would you like to book it and do you want to use the grill? And by the way ... rental for an evening event is $25.
I am not a park. This is my home. I will have vintage tablecloths to wash and iron. I will have chairs to dust and put away. I will have to set things up ... just the way you want them. And I will have to have my bathroom available to you. I will stay up until you leave, clean up and I will make.... (drum roll, please) $25.
And this is how I make my mortgage payment, pay the light bill and buy groceries.
Yea ...... I am being snarky.
So after my attempt to "rip off the public!" .... I go to write checks for the above listed bills. Hmmmm......... more envelopes to open but there is no more money in the account. I'll have my banker call the above listed woman.
Yea ........ I am being snarky.
So I work on an event for Miss Eff's. Then I find out it is the same day as a family reunion. In the 14 years I've been around the family.... we have never been to this reunion. And I'm pretty certain we weren't going this year! But how could I possibly schedule something then?
Yea ......... I am being snarky.
It is cold and rainy and I feel like crying. Being snarky makes me cry.
So I cruise some of my favorite blogs. And I find this. And now ........... I really cry.
This incredible group of four women, Leslie, Sarah, Beth and Tesi, have come into my life and embraced me. They will never know how much they mean to me. They always brighten my day at just the right moment. They are smart and spiritual and loving and kind. And they are my friends.
I may not be snarky any more.
$25.00? I'm afraid if that had been me your client was talking to I may have been referred to as something a little more substantial than "snarky". :o)
Also, I think $25 is indeed a steal. Do you remember her name? I have connections who can bring her lapse in judgment to light. :)