Sunday in the Garden with Miss Eff and her friends...............

Seriously??  Who knew that Miss Eff had any friends?????

Here's the scoop .... literally.  French Silk Chocolate or French Vanilla?

We at Miss Effie's decided to throw a party. So on Sunday .... July 25th.... we are hosting an ice cream social.  From 12-4, we will be serving up homemade ice cream along with box-free cakes. Currently on the baking list is the Super Yummy Sour Cream Chocolate cake from last year.  Along with a goodie-filled carrot cake and a very simple Angel food cake. And to round out the selection there will be piles of chocolate chip cookies and lots of cupcakes!

Hopefully, the garden will be full of guest vendors having a great time. 

I know the world-wide famous Sheepie Neighbor will be there with her clay figurines and wonderful hand-spun Shetland yarn.... and maybe some nutrolls?

Yea .... we got permission from the Sheriff's department to be on the same piece of land at the same time.  Normally, they try to keep us a couple of miles apart..... and we still get into trouble.  Its a good thing that we didn't know each other when I was younger ........ I've mellowed!

So stop by the farm ..... shop our vendors, take a nap on the bed, be amazed at the swoooopy roof of the Summer Kitchen.  We will be serving cake and ice cream from 12 - to whenever we run out of the sweet stuff!!  But the farm will be open from 12-4.

And you know me ...... there has to be a cause.  Again we will be taking donations for the ice cream and cake.... those donations will go to the purchase of Freight House Farmers Market gift certificates.  Those gift certificates will be donated to the North Scott Food Pantry this year. 

Last year, we raised $320 ... can you help us top that total?  We know that there are more and more hungry people in our area ...... let's get them the best of our local fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs and meats.

Come celebrate a beautiful summer day and relax in the gardens.................... We hope to see you!!!!! 

(If you send me a note, telling me that you are coming.... that would be great!  I want to make sure there is plenty of ice cream!!!)


Crosswinds Farm said…
I think you meant INfamous Sheepie neighbor.
I think we can stay out of trouble for one day.........maybe...well, it IS only four hours, so I think we can do that...
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Beth said…
We tried to make it your way a couple weeks ago but after loading all the kids and one mother and a bag full of snacks and about a million egg cartons to return to you discovered we had a flat. Sad times. But I think we might be able to make it your way this weekend. How fun and what a terrific cause. Hope to see you Sunday. Peace and love to you. B
Miss Effie said…
Beth ... I am so glad you can come!!! We will make sure to have some extra special ice cream for the newest Johnson!!!!

Can't wait to see you!

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