Snow business.

Yesterday ... before the mega-storm of the century... we brought wood to the house and stacked it on the porch. We filled buckets of water.  We gave the chickens extra feed.  We bought extra cat food and filled the gas cans full.

Because, while yesterday ........ my lane looked like this...............

Today, my lane now looks like this.

Where did the fence go????????????

I was really worried this morning when I looked outside and saw this sight.  Honey assured me it was no big deal........... 

He could just climb the drift and get some wood. Yea.  We do need to take a little off the top.  Looks like a good time to do some pruning.
Tucked along the fence, behind the drift ........ is this.  The wood pile.  And why should I be so worried about getting into the wood pile??

Because here, in my living room under a north-facing window, next to the heat vent is .....................
At 1 PM.  And the furnace has been running as fast as those little squirrels can turn the fans!!!!
I'm a tough old bird.  I can live without air conditioning.  I can type (sort of) when my office registers 35 degrees.  I can preserve tomatoes, spin yarn, sew curtains and scoop poop.  But I'm drawing the line at ability to have snowball fights in my living room!
How many more days till spring????


Crosswinds Farm said…
I love that the snowdrift is ON your heat vent!
OMG Miss Effie! The snow is trying to eat your house. I spent a lot of very happy years in eastern Iowa. I dearly love that area. But when it came time to leave California and choose a new home I just couldn't bring myself to go back to all that snow and cold. You are surely made of sterner stuff.
Oh my goodness, Miss Eff. Hope you are staying warm.
Anonymous said…
I think pitchers & catchers report for Spring Training in about 12 days.
Beth said…
Yikes to snow in the living room. I kept thinking about you all out there with the crazy winds and the drifts. Glad to see you your survived.

PS I love, love your knitted washcloths. I gave a couple as gifts but kept one for myself and wish I had more! Thank you.
BlueGate said…
LOL! You get BIG POINTS for the snow in the living room and bonus points for it being on the heating vent!
Good luck and huddle for warmth!
Ginny said…
And I thought my farmhouse was drafty, you got me beat Miss Eff. Keep each other warm!! Stay safe.
Barb said…
I have no words......
Penny said…
Yikes! I think you bet me for the most drafty old house!

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