Coloring my world ...............

The world outside my door is a long, wide expanse of white.  The deep blue sky and the sunshine brighten my day ..... but still, all I see is white.

White ..... all shades of white are the darling colors of the decorating world.  White walls, white furniture, white floors.  Accented, of course, with "splashes of color". 

And it has been that way for a long time.  White .... white .... white.

But I can't live that way.  Maybe it is because of the long white Iowa winters.  I crave color around me.

This time of year .... it becomes harder for me.

I search for the colors of spring.  Purple crocus.  Yellow daffodils.  I order more pink impatiens and coral-colored geraniums.  I dream of lilies and lisianthus and zinnias.

On a snowy day .... I wandered into a yarn store and suddenly was surrounded by the colors of spring.

Blues, aquas, peach and pinks scream out to me ..... Touch me!!!!  Buy me!!!  I will bring you spring!!!

I fell for the screams of the spring-colored Sirens ...... luring me to unusual buying decisions. 

Yep ..................

My new socks .............. dyed at an explosion at the Peeps factory!


linda/Il said…
Oh I know what you mean about WHITE! Doesn't thrill me at all.
It is really quite beautiful with the sky so blue and I did have to admire the snow on the evergreens yesterday. But enough! Have to confess not looking forward to all the mud/mess we'll have at thawing. My African violets are giving me a show right now & I absolutely love it.
colleen said…
Good morning. Love the socks..great choice of colors. I tend to knit with a lot of neutral colors. I'm now waiting for a delivery of BRIGHT yarn to come..wish it would hurry up and get here.Well gotta go warm the needles up. You have a great day!!
I love those socks and the sentiment behind them, I bought a pair of hand made socks bright blue-in Ireland several years ago. They wear like Iron. Plan to be buried in them. So are you selling these in your store Miss Effie? The midlife farmwife would certainly buy a pair!

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