This is no pity party...........
January was a tough month.
I highlighted it earlier. But not all of it.
The divert-er on the shower broke.
The electric mattress pad died. Sort of. Well, on my side.
Actually, I think that a hot flash short-circuited it.
So we spent a week ....... in our unheated bedroom ......... sleeping on 27" of bed. Both of us. Fortunately, we really like each other and we were fine! Honey did get tired of me, snoring in his ear and after a week, purchased another.
But the real kicker ........ is the truck.
Yea .... what is with a 17 year-old Ranger with 223,000 miles, biting the perennial dust?????? And seriously, could it have done it before we bought new snow tires and a new battery?????
I have a goal of being debt-free, sooner than later.
Three years ago .... we had 17 medical bills. Now we have two.
In the last ten years, we have survived a plant closure, temporary work, 18 months of COBRA insurance, job loss, 9 months of unemployment, cancer, a cancer scare, a heart attack, a major cut in salary, self-employment and drought.
We have worked multiple jobs, carried paper routes, picked up beer cans, packed lunches, baked bread, and shopped thrift stores.
We have struggled and juggled and prayed. It hasn't been pretty, but we have hung on.
The other day ... I was thinking how to fit a future car payment into the budget.
And I looked at the sampler that hangs above my stove.
Walk Humbly with Thy God.
I talk about wanting to live a simpler, more purposeful life. And then ........... when I have to go without a car ...... it is all about me!!!
I'd say ... God tapped me on the shoulder but in reality, He pretty much had to take me down! To make a car payment work, savings would be slashed, bills would be juggled and His share cut. And that is unacceptable.
So --- for the next couple of months -- we are a one-car family.
Wow! Does that sound archaic or what???
Like having a land line or a hard-line telephone. Or a 19" television. Or no lap top. Or doing laundry at a laundromat.
I think I can make this work!
I highlighted it earlier. But not all of it.
The divert-er on the shower broke.
The electric mattress pad died. Sort of. Well, on my side.
Actually, I think that a hot flash short-circuited it.
So we spent a week ....... in our unheated bedroom ......... sleeping on 27" of bed. Both of us. Fortunately, we really like each other and we were fine! Honey did get tired of me, snoring in his ear and after a week, purchased another.
But the real kicker ........ is the truck.
Yea .... what is with a 17 year-old Ranger with 223,000 miles, biting the perennial dust?????? And seriously, could it have done it before we bought new snow tires and a new battery?????
I have a goal of being debt-free, sooner than later.
Three years ago .... we had 17 medical bills. Now we have two.
In the last ten years, we have survived a plant closure, temporary work, 18 months of COBRA insurance, job loss, 9 months of unemployment, cancer, a cancer scare, a heart attack, a major cut in salary, self-employment and drought.
We have worked multiple jobs, carried paper routes, picked up beer cans, packed lunches, baked bread, and shopped thrift stores.
We have struggled and juggled and prayed. It hasn't been pretty, but we have hung on.
The other day ... I was thinking how to fit a future car payment into the budget.
And I looked at the sampler that hangs above my stove.
Walk Humbly with Thy God.
I talk about wanting to live a simpler, more purposeful life. And then ........... when I have to go without a car ...... it is all about me!!!
I'd say ... God tapped me on the shoulder but in reality, He pretty much had to take me down! To make a car payment work, savings would be slashed, bills would be juggled and His share cut. And that is unacceptable.
So --- for the next couple of months -- we are a one-car family.
Wow! Does that sound archaic or what???
Like having a land line or a hard-line telephone. Or a 19" television. Or no lap top. Or doing laundry at a laundromat.
I think I can make this work!
I remember being a one-car family. Rick was in vet school; I was working full time. Wish I'd known how to knit back then!