Obsession continues ...........

I wanted to show you progress ........ small as it might be.

I need that sense of accomplishment!

Remember these?

Honey has made great progress with them.

All are stripped, scrubbed and two have been completely sanded.

Which is actually a misnomer  ......... because you try not to sand antique furniture.  So often, you rub them smooth with steel wool.  These are being buffed smooth with landscape burlap.

We don't know the history of these chairs.

There are signs of fairly rough turnings ..... like they were done on a hand-operated lathe rather than in a furniture factory.  The holes for the caning are unevenly spaced.

At one time in their lifetime, they had pressed fiber seats applied over the caning.  It was a much easier fix than re-doing the caning.  The nail holes that were left from nailing the seats in place, will remain as part of their history.

And then, there is this.

There is a stain in the right corner of this chair.  It won't come out with denatured alcohol or wood soap.  We might be able to bleach it out.

But I prefer to think of this...................

That was a farmer's chair ..... where he sat at breakfast, lunch and dinner.  He came in the house after doing chores or being in the field ..... and the dirt, grease and sweat on his  hands left this wonderful mark.  Right where he grabbed the chair to pull it out.

Day after day.

Meal after meal.

It is a mark of wonderful meals and good times.  It has been used.

And will be again.


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